January 5, 2025
We have joint sitting with Christ!
Eph: 2: 1-18 (AMPC)
Beloved as we start this New Year let us remember that we are seated in Heavenly places with Christ. Do not think that the enemy has any authority over us unless we give it to him. So, as we begin a new year and a new journey with our Savior let us let go of the past and press forward to the things that are ahead. It is written: to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. (Eph4:22-24-ESV)
January 12, 2025
This is the year for our gates to open!
Acts: 3: 1-26 (NLT)
Beloved there may be situations or circumstances that each of us are waiting to come into full fruition. It may seem as though it will never come to pass, however, our Savior has an appointed time for each of His plans to unfold. Perhaps our faith is not where it should be at this present time, or maybe our motives are wrong, or it is just not the right season in our lives. Nevertheless, let us be assured, if we have faith and believe in God’s word it shall come, in Jesus’ name.
January 19, 2025
Are we in need of a faith check-up?
Gen: 17: 15-17 (KJV)
I have a question for us, have we ever had faith for someone else, but not for ourselves? It amazes me how Sarah could have faith for Abrahm to have a child with Hagar and he was about 86 years old at the time, however, she did not have enough faith to believe God when He told her she and Abraham would have a son. Beloved, we must remember to take God at his word, no matter what the circumstances may look like, no matter what has been said or who said it, Gods word is truth, and it shall come to pass.
January 26, 2024
What has God given us and we are not using it?
Exo. 4: 1-31 (NLT)
Our Father has put many gifts in us that are still laying dormant in our spirits. Perhaps because we chose not to develop them, or we are thinking that we are not able to do something, or maybe we just do not desire to go through the process. Whatever the reason is beloved it is time to let it go and choose to do as God wants us to. Moses was afraid to speak so God choose Aaron his brother to speak on his behalf, we do not need anyone to speak for us accept the Holy Spirit which speaks through us, and that is all we need. Whatever, God has purposed for each of us He is well able to bring it to pass. So, let us start today to use everything God has given us, in Jesus’ name. Blessings!!